These packages and prices are for individuals who are funding their own coaching. Corporate packages are designed to suit the needs of each client. Drop me a message and we can talk about what you need.

How does coaching help?

If making changes to our lives was easy, we’d all be fit and healthy with brilliant relationships and stellar careers. Knowing what you ‘should’ do isn’t usually enough to change the habits of a lifetime. And often we can’t see in ourselves the things that are really blocking us. You need someone to cast new light, ask you new questions, and guide you to new insights.

Unlike more traditional training, coaching is focused entirely on you and your context. We talk about real life, extract the learning, and work out practical solutions that make your life better. That’s it.

Many coaches work at a surface level, helping clients to tackle symptoms and solve problems. Often that can be effective - until you’re really under pressure, when your default settings tend to kick back in. I help you identify and address root causes and increase your capacity to tolerate challenges as well as resolve them. I support you to go deep, work out what really matters to you and how to have greater impact with less effort. I support you to make sustainable changes that, over time, transform your life and that of those around you.