Your life looks pretty good.

Doesn’t it?

Serious career, good relationship, nice home, happy family. But niggling questions keep you awake at night.

Why haven’t you been promoted yet, when you work so hard? Why don’t you have the impact and influence your track record warrants? Why can’t you deal better with that tricky member of your team? How do you disagree with your boss without getting sacked?

Are the sacrifices you’re making at home worth it? Is there a better way of organising your life and work so you don’t feel pulled in all directions?

Are you pushing too hard for little reward, in danger of burning out and thinking life should be better than this?


What would your life be like if you were more confident, credible and powerful? If you had the self-belief to move from thinking about the life you want, to actually making it happen?

I have 20 years’ experience of helping people like you. I specialise in helping mid- and senior-career women navigate the complex dynamics of a male-defined world. I help you create an authentic authority and a clear sense of priorities so you can manage competing demands and get the career, and life, you really want.

If you want things to change, let’s talk.

Book a free 45 minute chat. No obligation, just an opportunity to see whether I can help you create the work and life you want to be living.

I’m more self-confident, assertive now. I’m speaking up and not shying away from my opinions. I know how to prepare and how to build allies in the room.
— Senior Brand Manager
This hour was miraculous. It is amazing how much 60 minutes with Kate can make a difference.
— Head of Strategic Communications, pharmaceutical company


How is it possible?

A satisfying life comes from connecting to a sense of purpose and what really matters to you.

Confidence and a powerful presence comes from the inner belief in who you are and what you have to offer.

Impact comes from taking a stand and holding your boundaries.

Influence comes from taking care of relationships while also meeting your own needs.

If you’d like to learn how to respond more effectively to stress and to things that wind you up, or find a more measured way to make difficult choices, my free audio download will talk you through a process you can use anywhere when you’re feeling the strain.